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You can take any home and every interior style and add plants to it. No matter colours, materials. Plants just add something special. For me it is life. Everywhere I can fit in a plant, I intend to do it. Just adding plants and you can make a room feel more homely, welcoming and personal. There is hundreds of plants to choose from. Like colours and decor pieces can indicate you and your personal style, plants can definitely add a lot to the style and your home as well.

I have created a little plant guide below. For me I just need to see a good variation and useful facts when I am personally searches for these kinds of guides. I would strongly recommend to do further research if you are looking for more detailed information about the specific plant. Here I have 20 different plants for you with pictures, names and their common properties.

Disclaimer: I am neither a gartner nor a professional expert in the plant-field. All my information I have gathered from gardening centers, knowledge from the internet and last but not least, knowledge by experience.

A personal little anekdote about me and plants.

You can ask anyone of my friends and family and they would tell you that maybe 4-5 years ago I thought fake plants were the only plants I would bring into my home. I would have a nice home, and I did not even have to think about taking care of them. Well, for some reason fake plants can be practical, but for me it completely changed my perspective after succeeded keeping plants alive at home. I got to love caring for plants and the change they bring when they grow.

Today when I sometimes feel either a little bit down or just not in the mood, I often to find my self watering the plants, or checking if they need anything. They bring me calm and especially these days in quarantine plants keep me sane and mindfull.

I'm not saying that it is the case for everyone, but it occur to me that it gave me something else that I have been looking for in my home.

If you need something meaningful in your life - get a plant, take care of it and make it grow :)

Let us jump into the plant guide...


1. Golden Pothos

Name: Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Properties: Crawling plant · Poisonous if ingested especial for dogs and cats Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade (indirect sunlight)

Water: Medium Care: The Pothos does not like direct sun. Bring the plant in bright but indirect light. Maybe consider to put the plant on a shelf or in a bookcase where it wont get direct sun light. It only needs moderate waterings. Just keep an eye on it. When the soil is dried, give it some water. It definitely does not like the soil to be water-logged, so be careful not to over watering it and it will thrive just fine.

Personally I have a couple of these guys at my home. I have put them in a window there is high up and where there is no direct sunlight at any time at the day. They are draping beautiful down the wall with their long green arms. I really enjoy going down the stairs when they meet my eyes everyday.


2. Pilea

Name: Pilea (Pilea peperomioides)

Properties: Provides high oxygen · Tropical plant that grows fast

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade

Water: Heavey ("drench and dry")

Care: The Pilea is sensitive to its surroundings, and will tell you straight up if it needs water or if it is too hot. Every plant is different but normally it only needs water once at week along with weekly misting. Water the plant thoroughly, and then let the soil dry out. Bright, indirect sun is ideal for this plant.

It is said that the Pilea purifies indoor air more than other houseplants because its leaves have adapted to photosynthesis with limited sunlight. Therefore, it also provides more oxygen. I would definitely invest in this plant for room where we want extra clean air as for example in the beedroom or maybe in the nursery room.

No matter where you put this plant I can see why it is growing quickly in popularity: Easy to maintain and bring good properties.


3. Split Leaf Philodendrons

Name: Split Leaf Philodendrons (Monstera deliciosa)

Properties: Poisonous if ingested especial for dogs and cats

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade

Water: Medium

Care: The Split Leaf Philodendron does not require a lot of attention.

Bright, indirect light and even moisture allows this plant to thrive. With the right habitat this plant grows fast and can be an impressive plant in your home.

I had this plants for years, and it was growing and growing like nothing else. When I moved to another country it stayed at my grandparents house where it thrives still today. It was standing deep into my livingroom but got a lot of indirect light, and that is where it thrives best. I find this plant extremely homely for some reason, and is the perfect fit if you need to fill out an empty spot you don't know what to put in. Just be aware that it can grow quite big.


4. Peace Lily

Name: Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Properties: Purifies air · Prevents Mildew Formation and Mold Spores Remover · Non toxic plant

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Shade / Part shade

Water: Medium (Loves humid surroundings)

Care: The Peace Lily is a quite thankful plant. It thrives in most habitats and is a highly purifying plant. It is perfect for bathrooms and bedrooms. This plant requires medium to low light. The Peace Lily only needs to be watered when the top of the soil is dry or when you see the plant starts to hang just slightly.

It is said as well that the Peace Lily thrives in the dampness you find in bathrooms. The dampsness provides a thriving environment for mildew and mold where it absorb the excess moisture from the surrounding air. I have not put this plant in my bathroom before, but for sure I will try it when I next time welcoming a Peace Lily into my home again.

I find it an elegant plant that suits into so many interior styles, and for me it suits perfect into my scandinavian interior style at home.


5. Olive three

Name: Olive three (Olea Europaea)

Properties: Grow very slow · Evergreen plant

Care Level: Medium

Sun: Direct sun

Water: Heavey (Tolerate dries condition but thrive in moist soil)

Care: It is recommended that the Olive tree gets up to 6 hours of direct sunlight pr day. Therefore I would put this guy in the south window.

The Olive tree like moist soil but be aware, you may not drawn/over watering the plant.

If you are putting the tree outside, on a balcony then remember to take it in during the vinter. The Olive tree thrives best in hot and exotic climate.

The Olive is a favorite of mine when it comes to trees. Its exotic vibes, and still easy to incorporate in many different styles. I have had an eye out for this one for a long time. Though have not had either the space or perfect spot for it yet, but one day he will be a part of the plant family at my home.

The beautiful with trees is that you can trim and help them into the size og shape you would like it to be. Therefore you do not necessarily needs a huge pot unless you want it to grow to a full on tree. You might be able to take to a smaller size with trimming it or keeping the size down by using a suiting and smaller pot. Check up with your local garden center for information how to trim the tree perfect, and even for guidance depending on with country and climate you live in.


6. Aloe Vera

Name: Aloe Vera

Properties: Medical use

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade / Direct sun (Likes sun)

Water: Medium

Care: The Aloe Vera is quite an easy plant to keep. If you bring it in light surroundings and water it when the earth feels dry (approximately once at week) you will se the beautiful Aloe Vera grow and thrive perfectly. If you put it in a tall pot, it will force the leaves naturally to stay more up and keep the leaves off the table. If not you will mainly experience that the Aloe will spreed its leaves out. So it all depends how you want your Aloe Vera to appear.

The Aloe Vera is probably one of the most interesting plants I have in this guide for know - if you ask me. It is a plant that has been used for medical and health reasons for thousands of years, and even today people are getting more and more aware of its beautiful properties. It is a plant that can survive and grow even without soil - quite impressive. The most known property is the gel inside the leaves that is eatable. Applying the gel on the skin can also help sunburn and personally for me, it has helped me with my eczema through time.

It is said that if you eat the gel of an Aloe Vera it is proven to lower your blood sugar and can even fight dental plaque.

Aloe Vera is in general a good plant to have in your home. Its distinctive look and the health benefit it carries make it a perfect additional member of the family.


7. Cactus

Name: Cactus (Cactaceae)

Properties: Little care · Great surviver

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Direct sun

Water: Light

Care: The Cactus comes in many different shapes and sizes. Theres is over thousands of different specieses. Common of every one of them is the need for only little care. They need sun and hot climate so put them in a sunny window.Those cacti that are spiny, hairy or fuzzy will need more sun than the smooth, soft specieses.

Let the soil dry completely between the watering and cut back when the falls come. Allow here the plant to go dormant.

Ba aware with newly-planted cacti. Only water them a little. Its roots are likely to attract fungus in the beginning before the roots settle in the soil. Approximately after four to six weeks, you can start watering the plants thoroughly.

Because of the wide range of variety in the Cactus family, there is a size and shape for everyone. Dive into the Cactus-world and you will experience a longterm trusty pall that needs minimum of care.


8. Kentia Palm

Name: Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

Properties: Easy and dramatic evergreen decoration

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade (Indirect sunlight)

Water: Medium ("drench and dry")

Care: The Kentia is a relative low-maintenance palm. Indirect sunlight, hot temperatures and regular waterings will make this plant happy. It is said that it's good to "drench and dry" this plant, means, between the waterings it is good for the soil to dry out. I would suggest watering once at week but depending on the plant and the surroundings, so see how quickly it dries out and adapt the watering. It will need more watering during summer. To keep this plant green and healthy a good fertilizer is essential otherwise yellowing leaves might occur. Just remember that this palm does not like to be top-trimmed or it will die.

The Kentia palm is an excellent livingroom plant and keeps the green touch all year around. This can add some dramatic vibes to the feel and decoration. This plant can also be a perfect relaxing focal point like on the picture attached. Layering plants can almost feel like living art.


9. Oxalis

Name: Oxalis (Oxalis triangularis)

Properties: poisonous to pets

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade / Direct sun

Water: Medium ("drench and dry")

Care: The Oxalis is a beautiful plant that is easy to recognize with its triangle leaves and the beautiful dark purple color. It almost looks like small butterflies all over the plant.

This plant will thrive in a sunny window and generous waterings.

If you do forget watering it will show on the plant, but after watering it again it will retain its strength again.

It's a highly beautiful plant and have many nicknames as for example False Shamrock, Purple Shamrock and Love Plant. This plant I would certainly keep out of reach for children and pets, but otherwise this plant adds not only color to your room it adds a touch of femininity and romantic feeling to the specific space. Well, it is up to you what you feel it adds to the room, but if you are looking for a beautiful aesthetic plant and bringing in some colors the Oxalis might be a good choice.


10. Snake plant

Name: Snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Properties: Purifying the air · Little care · Mildly toxic if ingested

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade / Direct sun

Water: Light

Care: Indirect light is ideal for the Snake plant along with light waterings and misting once in a while as well as dusting. Make the soil fully dried between every watering.

The Snake plant is great for the bedroom based on its ability to store up oxygen throughout the day, and then releases it all at night.

The Snake plant is the perfect plant for starters. If you have not had a plant before I will recommend you to start with a Snake plant. It is almost close as impossible to kill this plant. It appreciate misting and just a little watering once in a while but most of all, it appreciate really just to be left alone in a light area. That is where it thrives. Besides that it has amazing properties to purifying the air like the Peace Lily (plant no. 4) and the Pilea (plant no. 2).


11. Coffea Arabica

Name: Coffea Arabica

Properties: Produce coffee beans

Care Level: Medium

Sun: Part shade

Water: Medium / Heavey

Care: The Coffea Arabica prefers part shady locations with a temperature between 20 to 25 celcius degrees. If they get too dry it will show instant on the leaves and they get super droopy. The leaves will go back to normal once you water them good again.

If this plant fits into you kitchen, that would we a plant with purpose. It might not provide coffee beans for your coffee habit but it might just obtain enough beans for you to roast and brew your own cup of coffee once a while. It is a beautiful and easy plant to take care of.

If you are a coffee nerd or just love plants and want to try grow your own coffee beans to roast and brew, the plant can be a little more demanding for perfect production. It will require a slightly more sour soil with around 5.5 - 6.5pH level. All about how and when to harvest I would definitely do some extra research either on the internet or in your local garden center if they provide this plant.


12. Succulents

Name: Succulents

Properties: Little care

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade

Water: Light

Care: Succulents comes in so many size and shapes and they all like minimum care.

It needs watering when the soil is completely dry and let the excess water drain off.

They like very bright light but direct sun might burn them, so see if you can find the brightest place for this plant and it will thrive.

Therefore the succulents does not like chilly weather and is a perfect indoor plant. Keep them away from dark and cold rooms.

The succulents are known for the perfect hostess gift. It is a funny and beautiful species that functions as a perfect and simple decor piece in any room. Small and discreet or big and voluminous - it is up to you. Put it in a bright room but otherwise pop them in where you need a boost. This plant can take the aesthetic look to the next level.


13. Fiddle leaf fig

Name: Fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata)

Properties: Model-plant perfect for home interior · Not eatable figs

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade / Direct sun

Water: Medium

Care: The Fiddle leaf fig loves bright light. Indirect light will be ideal. It is known for its shiny leaves. Dust the plant from time to time.

The amount of watering depends on the plant. Only water it when the top of the soil is dry.

This plant is a very popular plant. You have probably seen this plant in Home Magazines, a lot on pinterest and interior instagram feeds. This plant has been the to-go-to plant for interior design for a good several of years. With its funny shaped leaves it is excellent for entertaining rooms where it can be a dramatic focal point.


14. Bird of paradise

Name: Bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

Properties: Poisonous if ingested especial for dogs and cats

Care Level: Medium

Sun: Direct sun

Water: Light / Medium

Care: The Bird of paradise plant thrives in a bright and sunny spot (it will survive part shade too).

If the plant does not get the amount of water it needs it will start to droop or the leaves will curl. Be aware and do not overwater or keep the soil wet for too long, this can cause the roots to rotten. Otherwise it is fairly simple to handle. Let the soil dry between waterings.

Often this plant get mistaken for the Banana plant. They look like each other but two completely different plants. Only under the right conditions, you might experience its flowers. The beautiful flowers that is suppose to look like birds is one of its characteristic properties. But as just informed it is rare to see. It needs full southern light exposure, proper humidity and temperature, then it might flower. Optimal indoor plant.

As the Split Leaf Philodendrons, Kentia Palm and the Fiddle leaf fig, this plant makes a great focal point as well. Bigger plants can create the extra drama that might be needed in different styles, to fill out big empty spaces or just as a living piece of art.


15. ZZ plant

Name: ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Properties: Actually a succulent · Low need for watering · Evergreen plant

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Shade / Part shade

Water: Light

Care: ZZ plants require less water than a lot of plants. If you tend to forget watering your plants from time to time, you will do just fine with this one. Watering every 2-3 week will do, but can be different form plant to plant.

It needs bright and indirect light, but it can tolerate low light if you have a less-sunny spot for it. Be aware that it does not get direct sun, that will burn it.

As I was writing in the Succulent section, they come in many different sizes and forms. This one is actually a Succulent as well, but does not quite look like one. When that is said, it does have all the amazing properties as the other Succulents have. An easy, evergreen, aesthetic pleasing plant.


16. Rubber Plants

Name: Rubber Plants (Ficus elastica)

Properties: No Allergic Properties · Removes Pollutants from the air · Do not produce pollen

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Shade / Part shade

Water: Light

Care: Like most of the other plants on this list, the rubber plant requires bright, indirect light. It can tolerate direct sunlight but I would put in bright indirect light.

You should only water it when the soil is dry, approximately every 1-2 weeks.

Rubber plants an amazing ability to cleanse the air, and is probably one of the best natural air-cleaners out there. At the same time does the Rubber plant not produce any pollen, so it will not cause any allergic complications.

I would be perfect to incorporate this kind of plant in offices and in environments where there is a lot of people around based on this ability to clean the air, non-allergic propterties, easy to maintain and evergreen look.


17. String of pearls

Name: String of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

Properties: Fast growing · Succulent qualities

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Direct sun

Water: Light / Medium

Care: This plant like directs sunlight but tolerate like many others on this guide bright indirect light.

Allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light, and then you will soon see long strands of pearls.

This plants is gorgeous with its long strings just hanging over the pot. Plant a several young plants of this together to create full and attractive display. The short roots does it possible for you not to repot the plant that often.

I will always recommend putting this in a hanging pot so the strands come to its right and be able to cascade over the sides.


18. Weeping Fig

Name: Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

Properties: Grow slowly · Toxic to dogs and cats · Great air purifiers

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade

Water: Medium

Care: Bright but indirect light is best for the Weeping Fig plant. This plant dislikes being moved around and may drop leaves if do so. Find a good and bright spot this plant and let it stay there. The Weeping Fig likes steadily moist soil, but will drop leaves if you over watering it and allow it to sit in water. If so it might also provide rotten roots over time, so just be aware. Water it every other day to keep the soil moist at all times.

This plant gives more like a real tree feeling to the space. It would therefore fit perfect to give the indoor/outdoor feeling into your home. Maybe in the livingroom or in a bright welcoming entrance, where it can beautifully invite to the room with the many decorative features on its leaves.


19. Asparagus Fern

Name: Asparagus Fern (Asparagus setaceus)

Properties: Evergreen · Climber

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Shade / Part shade

Water: Medium

Care: The Asparagus Fern prefer moderate shade to soft indirect light.

It likes a moist soil but no over watering, the plant does not like to soak in water. Water when the top soil is dry.

Its origin is from South Africa and therefore high humidity is a great thing, but does not need high humidity necessary. The moisture in the air to keep his leaves fresh, but you can mist him once in a while instead.

If you're looking for a light and airy look, I would with recommend to take a change with the Asparagus Fern. It does like to be touch and it thrives best on a shelf where the beautiful airy look can be admired on distance.


20. Trileaf wonder

Name: Tileaf Wonder (Syngonium podophyllum)

Properties: Climbing

Care Level: Easy

Sun: Part shade

Water: Light / Medium

Care: Tileaf Wonder is a very easy plant and do well in low-to-medium light. Part shadow to bright indirect sunlight is optimal, and no direct sun.

The plant likes the soil to be kept lightly but no soaking or over waterings. In the winter go for less moist soil. Misting it and high humidity provides their tips from going brown and crispy.

The Tileaf Wonder like the Golden Pothos have a beautiful natural draping and still gives a very voluminous look. Personally I am using the Golden Pothos to drape down the walls from my staircase to the first floor as living wall-art, but the Tileaf Wonder would absolutely go as well.


If your plants has thrived by different circumstances than the ones I have described, please feel free to share your experience with us. The plants reaction and health all depends on the habitat and care of the plant, so it might be different form plant to plant. Especially all the Succulents that has this ability just to adapt from the surroundings.

Feel free to share your own plant experiences down below, maybe it is useful for others :)

Next time - Nana

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